Critical Care Unit

Advanced Class ICU and CCU unit

Critical Care Unit

K.P. Sinha Memorial Hospital has an Advanced Class ICU and CCU Unit. There is no big difference between Advance Class ICU and CCU Unit. Only difference is that Critical Care Unit provides care to patients having severe heart attacks, cardiac arrest or any other heart related issue. Both these units thus become an important part of hospitals for immediate care including cardiac, intensive, and critical. We will examine the similarities and differences between CCUs and ICUs in a hospital in more detail in this article.

What is an ICU?

If any patient needs life support or 24-hour critical care, then he will be admitted to the ICU (Intensive Care Unit). The medical professionals who work in the intensive care unit have received substantial training before serving in ICU. Each nurse often only keeps an eye on one or two patients at once in ICU.

More than 34,000 Medicare recipients who received intensive care in 2005, survived, and were then released from the hospital were the subject of a 2016 study. The participants in this study spent an average of 3.4 days in the ICU.

The same study discovered that prolonged stays were frequently linked to the use of mechanical breathing in the ICU. With or without mechanical ventilation, the researchers discovered that prolonged stays were linked to increased 1-year mortality.

Advanced Class ICU and CCU unit

Critical Care Unit, CCU

Critical Care Unit sometimes termed as CCU which is abbreviated as CCU. The terms Advance Class CCU and ICU Unit are equivalent in many contexts.

A CCU is a more specialized type of unit known as a cardiac or coronary care unit in many hospitals. If you or your loved one is suffering from serious health related problems then you should consider the Advanced Class ICU and CCU unit to resolve all your health issues.

At, K.P. Sinha Memorial Hospital we have 30 beds to serve patients 24/7

Advanced Class ICU and CCU unit

Facilities for Intensive Care

The intensive care unit (ICU) of our hospital offers specialized Advanced Class ICU and CCU unit equipment, intensive monitoring, sophisticated respiratory assistance, and nurse care. Patients shifted in these units require constant, round-the-clock care.

We have board certified experts, highly educated critical care nurses, and physician assistants on site 24 hours a day, which makes us one of the best intensive care units in Patna.

We provide critical care (Advanced Class ICU and CCU unit) in following conditions:

  • Lung Problem
  • Heart Problems
  • Brain trauma
  • Accidental Injury

These facilities provide cutting-edge technology of the highest caliber together with continuous nursing support.

Critical Care Medicine

The diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of clinical issues that constitute the apex of human disease falls under the umbrella of critical care medicine. Patients who are in critical condition require extensive treatment from a well-organized staff. The intensive care expert (sometimes known as an “intensives”) may serve as a consultant or as the main caregiver. Critical Care Unit (Advanced Class ICU and CCU unit) is basically used to treat people who are in critical situations.

The intensives must be proficient not just in a wide range of conditions that are prevalent in critically sick patients but also with the technological processes and tools utilized in intensive care facilities. The care of critically sick patients also presents a number of difficult ethical and social concerns, and the intensives must be skilled in areas including end-of-life decisions, advance directives, assessing prognosis, and counseling of patients and their families.

The majority of critical care physicians practice in hospital settings, frequently in Advance Class ICU and CCU Unit . Since pulmonologists routinely supervise patient care in intensive care units, critical care medicine training in internal medicine is most usually combined with a pulmonary medicine fellowship. However, other internal medicine doctors, like cardiologists and general internists who practice hospital medicine, might look into critical care medicine training to help them deal with seriously ill patients.


2H/111, Bahadurpur Housing Colony, Bhoothnath Road, Kankarbagh, Patna - 800026



+91-70709 93249

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